An incredible evening: your support
INSPIRES us every single day
We were once again astonished by the incredible generosity demonstrated by our guests who witnessed the struggles and triumphs of the members of the spinal cord injury community at NorCal SCI’s 2nd Annual Fundraising Party, INSPIRE 2019, on Oct. 5th.
Quite frankly, the kindness of our supporters continues to humble us while sending a clear and unmistakable message that we need to continue expanding our programs and services to as many individuals as possible whose lives have been devastated due to a spinal cord injury. As we shared that evening, we have established a very ambitious set of goals and objectives for 2020 that can only be achieved by the human AND financial support we receive.
On this particular night, we were not disappointed as thanks to some late donations, the evening ended up netting us just over $47,000 that left us speechless and humbled. We’re grateful for that but want you to know that to achieve our goals, we’d need to raise significantly more than that and hope to be able to count on our base of supporters while we continue our work to bring in more people to help support our cause. Your support, both now and into the future, is critical to our success.
We sincerely hope you enjoyed the evening at the beautiful GlassHouse and invite you to enjoy the videos and the photos of the party below and once again, thank you for your support and we hope to see you back for INSPIRE 2020.
Nick and Franklin, co-founders
A 60-second compilation of the evening as captured through a video produced by Laura Furney.
Our surprise entertainment involved a beautiful aerial dance performed by the artistic co-director of AirAligned, Joe Simms.
Sacramento’s Tresa Honaker was our marquee speaker and this 5-minute video introduced her story to the guests
Tresa Honaker delivered an inspiring speech filled with a story of hope, support and perseverance.